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Hawaiian Abdominal Massage

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Healing the Sacred Seat.

Hawaiian Abdominal Massage is referred to as Opu Huli.  Opu means “stomach” or “abdomen” and Huli means “to turn” or “turned.” Someone who is experiencing from Opu Huli — a turned stomach — may experience lower back pains, respiratory problems, postural alignment issues, indigestion, excessive gas, stomach pains, colic, a tilted uterus, menstrual disorders, or infertility, among other conditions. 

The idea is to set  the stomach or abdomen “back into place,” that is, “turning it,” alleviating the conditions. Opu Huli is an abdominal massage. It’s an internal organs massage and alignment modality with the goal of stimulating digestion and detoxification, alleviating lower back pains, promoting postural alignment and proper nervous function, stimulating reproductive organ function, increasing overall energy levels, as we'll as releasing emotional issues or traumas.


Hawaiian medicine considers the abdominal and intestinal area part of a person’s soul, the spiritual center, and as such of prime importance. Opu Huli is applied for adults, but also for babies and infants (then usually called Keiki Lomi Lomi) and can alleviate excessive gas or colic, and to support proper growth and development of the baby.


Opu Huli typically starts lying on the back using warm soothing oils, while performing long lateral, flowing and wave like strokes on the abdomen (and on the back) with the hands, slowly going deeper into the abdominal area. 




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