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Sacred Moon Intuitive


Healing Bodywork & Massage

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Sacred Moon Intuitive Bodywork
Massage and Bodywork




Sacred Moon Intuitive Bodywork is Intuitive Bodywork for Women it's here that where I hold sacred space.  My work weaves wisdom of the Hawaiian and Maori people with the relaxation of Esalen massage allowing your body to ease into  the work making processing easier.


Here you are safe to release what no longer serves you, reconnect to your breath and realign your spirit.   


What you will experience.


Your first sessions is the most important session it’s when we meet , get to know each other and get an understanding of your body and what your expectations are. First sessions are approximately 90 minutes in length, it’s always best to have an Epsom or Himalayan Salt soak before your appointment. This aids in your body's ability to release toxins and prepare for a full spirit, soul and body integration.


This work goes beyond the physical ailments that we come to know, you may experience emotional release or old wounds that hadn't healed or memories that have been living in your body over time and has gone deep. Keep in mind the space is Sacred, the work is Sacred and it's Safe to release and receive clearing and healing you need.


Esalen Bodywork- Blending Western and Eastern techniques using long strokes for deep relaxation and to unify the spirit, soul and body.


Deep Tissue - A wonderful way to go deep into the muscles using a cross fiber technique that breaks through adhesions and knots. Thumbs, elbows, stretching and joint mobilization are used to release muscle tension and toxins throughout the body.


Shiatsu Anma - Chinese bodywork that applies pressure along the meridians releasing energy throughout the lines/channels. Shiatsu is performed on a mat fully dressed (loose clothes preferred). Stretching and movement are applied during the session to allow you more flexibility.


Reflexology - This form of bodywork can be traced back to the ancient times of Egypt. Using the thumbs as the tool for working the maps in the body that are found in the foot, hands & ears. This ancient art was designed to break up and release any congestion in the body.


*NOTE* Reflexology is not a massage, a massage can be incorporated into a session for soothing deep relaxation.

Pregnancy Massage - For Moms only :) Pregnancy Massage was designed especially for you, focusing on the immediate needs of the mother, such as backaches, sore feet, and tight shoulders and stressed necks. This form of Pregnancy Massage blends Swedish and Esalen to relieve the physical discomfort of pregnancy. This work is more relaxing allowing the mother to connect with her breath.


Prenatal Medical Massage -A more specialized work that focus on the low back, pelvic, breast needs, gently alleviating pregnancy discomfort. Prenatal Medical Massage is more anatomical / physiological based it's Swedish and cross fiber work than "spa relaxation" massage. Each session is about gradualy softening the body allowing for the flow and movement in the body. Less tightness and restriction allows the mother to move and be more engaged in her pregnancy with less pain and discomfort.  


Maori Pregnancy Bodywork - A groovy way to prepare for your birth using Maori methods to stretch muscles and pelvis that allows your baby out with more ease. Point work is used to stimulate different areas of the body as well as setting the vibration that is used to create balance. This work can help in relaxing the womb (for backaches), expanding the cervix and for stimulating breast for milk. Maori Pregnancy Bodywork is true unification of the body, soul and spirit, preparing mother for the birth she desires.


Aromatherapy - Essential oils used to enhance any session or used a session by itself to induce relaxation or to treat different ailments.


Polarity Therapy - A comprehensive health system involving energy based bodywork, diet, exercise and self-awareness allowing you to explore your own inner rhythms.


Reiki- A wonderful Japanese healing modality using laying on of hands for stress reduction, relaxation and healing.


Abdominal Therapy- Noninvasive modality used in stimulating the peristalsis of the small intestine toning up the muscles of the abdomen wall and mechanically eliminates the contents of both the large and small intestine. First usually 90-120 mins.


RainDrop Therapy - RainDrop Therapy combines aromatherapy, reflexology, massage to create healing and cleansing through structural and electrical alignment to the body. Using 7 essential oils along the spine to bring balance harmony to the your body. Each session is 90 minutes.


I look forward to sharing this work with you on your path to healing as well as your reconnection to self.  

Sweet Blessings.

Aloha nui loa

Let's Work Together

Every Body has a story to tell

and the body never lies.


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