Healing Massage Bodywork
Prenatal Medical Massage
Birth Preparation
Botanci Technique
Gentle Birth Education
Pregnancy * Birth * Postpartum * Lactation & more
*American College of Nurse-Midwives -www.midwife.org
*American College of Obstetricians and Gyneocologist -www.acog.com
*Childbirth Connection's Labor Pain Initiative- www.childbirthconnection.org
*Coalition for Improving Maternity Services -www.motherfriendly.org
*Childbirth and Postpartum Professionals Association (CAPPA)- www.cappa.net
*Birthing from Within -www.birthingfromwithin.com
*HypnoBirthing- www.hypnobirthing.com
*the Arc of the United States -www.thearc.org
*National Domestic Violence Hotline -www.ndvh.org
*Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network- www.rainn.org
*American Diabetes Association - www.diabetes.org/gestional-diabetes.jsp
*Center for Loss in Multiple Birth - www.climb-support.org
*Fertility Awareness Network- www.FertAware.com
*Circumcision Resources Center - www.circumcision.org
*Mocha Moms - www.mochamoms.org
*Child Care Aware - www.childcareaware.org
*Circumcision Information and Resources Pages (CIRP -) www.cirp.org
*Postpartum Education for Parents (PEP) - www.sbpep.org
*Postpartum Couples - www.postpartumcouples.com
*Hygeia Foundation, Inc and Institute for Perinatal Loss and Bereavement -www.hygeia.org*
International Cesarean Awareness Network- www.ican-online.org
*VBAC.com - www.vbac.com
*International Lactation Consultant - www.ilca.org
*La Leche League International - www.lalecheleague.org
*MOMS (Making Our Milk Safe) - www.safemilk.org
*The Breastfeeding Cafe - www.breastfeedingcafe.com
*MotherRisk - www.motherrisk.org/index.jsp
*LactMed - http://toxnet.nlm.nih.gov/cgi-bin/sis/htmlgen?LACT
*Mothers Overcoming Breastfeeding Issues (MOBI) - www.mobimotherhood.org
*The National Women's Health Information Center
*World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action - www.waba.org.my
*Human Milk Banking Association of North America - www.hmbana.org
*Resources on Depression in Mothers -www.granitescientific.com/depressionfrontpage.htm
*Postpartum Support International - www.postpartum.net
*Citizens for Midwifery - www.cfmidwifery.org
*Coalition for Improving Maternity Service - www.motherfriendly.org
*National Advocates for Pregnant Women - www.advocatedforpregnantwomen.org
*National Association of Working Women - www.9to5.org
*United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission(EEOC) - www.eeoc.gov
Lactation Consultants & Spaces
Milk Banks
*Human Milk Banking Association of North America-www.hmbana.org
*Mother's Bank -www.mothersmilk.org
*University of California Health-uchealth.service-now.com
Lactation Consultant & Counseling
* Lydia O Boyd IBCLC - www.lydiaoboyd.com
* Darian Roberts -www.humblebymotherhood.com
* Urban Goddess - www.khefri.com
* Tameca Dove LMFT -www.dovefamilycounselingcorporation.com
Breastfeeding Space
* Breast Feed LA. www.breastfeedla.org
* WIC Breastfeeding Support - www.wicbreastfeeding.fns.usda.gov
* California Breastfeeding - www.californiabreastfeeding.org
* Kindred Space LA - www.kindredspacela.com